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Counting Yens

Direct and Indirect Taxation

SBA practices in both direct and indirect taxation covering all aspects of domestic and international tax matters. The firm provides advisory and litigation services for all tax-related aspects related to corporate, finance and tax advisory, tax representation and tax litigation services at various forum.

The firm also provides a wide range of indirect taxation services that include advisory as well as litigation services to its clients in matters related to GST, Customs duty, excise duty, service tax, and VAT and entry tax laws.

The services include:

  1. Planning to improve tax efficiency/strategic documentation

  2. Exchange policy and foreign investments

  3. Investment and capital structuring

  4. Structuring of Revenue and/or capital flows 

  5. Domestic Tax Planning

  6. Tax compliance & dispute assistance (litigation support)

  7. Levies from POEM and GAAR perspective

  8. Transfer pricing study and documentation

  9. Inter-company transfer pricing policies for tangible goods, intangibles and services;

  10. Transfer pricing planning Services

  11. Transfer Pricing Litigation

  12. Avoidance of double taxation and comply with other laws

  13. International taxation, expatriate taxation, dispute resolution, tax treaties and transfer pricing

  14. Taxation advice on mergers, acquisitions, demergers disinvestments etc.

  15. Tax structuring & optimisation that includes advice and assistance in relation to all kinds of issues

  16. Advisory, transaction structuring & support services including analysis of sourcing, procurement and distribution models and advice on the best practices to be incorporated in the supply chain from a GST efficiency perspective

  17. Due diligence & optimisation study for building tax efficiencies and determining potential tax-saving opportunities

  18. Assistance for negotiating an optimum package of incentives under the State Industrial Policy

  19. Comprehensive support for resolving tax issues related to cross-border transactions

  20. Advice and assistance on policy initiatives & representations before Central and State Government authorities

  21. Litigation services

  22. Matters related to Custom and excise duty and foreign policies

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